
So at the beginning of each new year, millions of people make a new year resolution and these resolutions range from going on a diet to finding new love. And like I said just about everyone you know has made one for 2020 or they’ve done it in the past and most of the time […]

The 614

To beat or not to beat that’s the question, spare the rod spoil the child…..does this saying still hold water? Do you believe that whooping you child works? Or is timeout the answer? Take the Poll


R.Kelly is facing up to 70 years if found guilty of his crimes and this new case doesn’t help him at all, a woman named Faith Rodgers accused the R&B singer of giving her the disease without her knowledge in court docs last year, Dallas police investigated but decided not to move forward with the […]


This has been a debate that has been going on for the past 10 years or so, To Beat Or Not To Beat….While many of new parents believe that time out is the answer to discipline today’s children others will say it’s the reason this generation of kids are wild and out of control. You […]

The 614

Some believe this problem dates back to the “Jim Crow Laws” where slave owners pitted old against young , woman against men, mother against daughter and father against son. It was a set of laws put in place to keep slaves in line and one of the biggest laws that some black people still hold […]


Anyone nicknamed the most dangerous man on the planet should always be feared even if it’s been over 20 years since he’s last stepped foot inside the ring. Mike Tyson who is a totally different person since his Iron Mike days had to re-visit his old ways while doing an interview on a podcast over […]

Celebrity Gossip

Soulja told the world that he was gonna take it over as soon as his electronics hit the market his Soulja watch and Soulja game console were both according to docs. on back order. So people did want to by Soulja’s product and some did pre-order their products and this was in January and customers […]

Celebrity Gossip

Everyone is reacting to the news that rapper Lil Boosie has been released from prison.  The ongoing question now is, is he still hot musically or no?  Weigh in with your vote now as DJ Dimepiece wants to know your thoughts!  

News & Gossip

George Zimmerman Stopped By Cops Still Packing Heat

National, Videos

Lil Wayne's "Homies Still" Shows 12 Skeletons In A Movie Theatre (12 People Died In The Dark Knight Movie Massacre)