
Following a pattern that makes a few people uncomfortable, a man accused of three murders in New York City was sentenced to life in prison…

The debate about who is the best MC is a fundamental part of hip-hop. Now an enterprising entrepreneur is giving fans actual data to support their argument for “Top 5 Dead or Alive.” An app called “Hip-Hop Word Count” is an ethnographic database with lyrics from over 40,000 hip-hop songs from 1979 to now. Brooklyn […]

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression,” says  the old saying. This is none truer than in a hip-hop, where you only get a few bars if you’re lucky to capture the attention of a fickle fan base. Most classic songs are set-up by a wonderfully quotable opening line and the […]

Jump for joy! Pink Friday is finally here! The album is a poppy mishmash of girly music that sounds like it’s sponsored by Bratz. However, we won’t knock Nicki’s hustle as she works to become a household name. What we will, knock, though, is some of her choices when it comes to lyrical content. Good […]