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U.S. troops who reside at Iraq’s Al-Asad airbase, have been hit with a rocket attack, according to multiple media reports.

It has been reported the White House is aware of the tragic news and has released a statement saying President Trump has been briefed and is keeping a close eye on the situation at hand.

The Pentagon issued several statements obtained by multiple news outlets regarding the unfortunate news. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Jonathan Hoffman said, “Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles against U.S. military and coalition forces in Iraq,” going on to say “it is clear that these missiles were launched from Iran and targeted at least two Iraqi military bases hosting U.S. military and coalition personnel at Al-Assad and Irbil.” Washington Post reporter Andrew deGrandpre sent out the statement shortly after.



A U.S. military official confirmed at least six rockets have hit the base so far, the Washington Post’s Beirut bureau chief said.


Iran vowed revenge after the U.S. killed Iran’s top military general in an airstrike. The number of injuries or casualties is unknown at this time.


Two Iraq Bases That House US Troops Have Been hit by Missiles from Iran  was originally published on