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FX's "Snowfall" Season 5 Premiere - Arrivals

Source: Momodu Mansaray / Getty

If there is one word that could describe last night’s episode of FX‘s Snowfall, it would be foreshadowing.

From the opening scene of “Celebration,” the mood for the episode, the rest of the season, and possibly the series was set. Louie (Angela Lewis) secretly met with Teddy (and Gustavo) in hopes of cutting Franklin (Damson Idris) out and purchasing from him directly. She wasn’t the only woman who was handling business that no one else knew about. Cissy (Michael Hyatt) met with Ruben (Alejandro Edda) again. She reminded him that she would not use her son to help him. He assured her that Franklin is the answer and only he can bring her enemies in. Before their conversation ended, she gave him all the information she knew about the upcoming wedding of Louie and Jerome (Amin Joseph). Then there’s Veronique (Devyn A. Tyler), who finds herself in a bar talking to the man who almost had her and her unborn baby killed. Looking for reassurance that they’ll be safe, Veronique talks to Kane (Devaughn Nixon) and he tells her that she has nothing to worry about.

Before their big day, Louie informs Jerome that she met with Teddy (Carter Hudson) and he agreed to work with them. Jerome is hesitant and reiterates to his soon-to-be wife that he will not go to war with his own blood. Louie confidently tells him that it won’t get that far, even though they both note how upset Franklin will be.

As everyone gathered to celebrate the union of Louie and Jerome, no one could’ve guessed that the day would go how it did. Skully (De’Aundre Bonds), who was surprisingly in attendance, gave everyone a dose of some medicine they surely didn’t ask for by lacing the chocolate fountain with LSD. This was the same fountain that the strawberries everyone at the wedding was eating were dipped in. This is where the tripping began for most in attendance, especially Franklin who had quite a few chocolate-covered strawberries.

Once Veronique left, the strawberries started to kick in and it was all downhill for Franklin from there. After stumbling into Wanda (Gail Bean), Avi (Alon Aboutboul), Leon (Isaiah John) and even Skully himself, Franklin ended up inside the house where he completely started to lose it. His horrid trip began with a conversation with the ghost of Rob (Taylor Kawolski), who he killed earlier in the season. The two discussed Franklin’s choice and Rob told Franklin he was also to blame for his father dying before pulling a gun on him and firing (mind you this is a hallucination). Cissy, who is also tripping, finds Franklin laid out on the bathroom floor. She gets Franklin up and tries to comfort him, but it quickly turns into a lecturing moment. Much to the dismay of Franklin, Cissy voices all of her issues with her son and what he has become. Franklin scares his mother away by yelling at her.

Even after his mother left, Franklin could not catch a break. His next hallucination with Veronique was very crazy. She told Franklin that he couldn’t be a gangster and a family man. She emphasized that everyone Franklin loves will betray him, which scared him so much that he started to panic again. Panic then turned to paranoia for Franklin, whose next move could come back to haunt him. Franklin called Teddy and threatened to kill him. As if things couldn’t get more trippy, Franklin had one more hallucination to deal with, in the form of his younger self. He argued with himself about the death toll he’s accumulated over the years. The imaginary version of himself tells him that everything is soon about to crumble apart.

The episode came to a close with Franklin finally coming down from his high. He had a brief conversation with Leon, where he thanked his best friend for always being solid. Franklin then headed to dance with the bride and try to make amends. He apologized to Louie for not listening and not treating her like a partner. He tells her that it’s not too late, to which she disagrees. She tells Franklin that she must follow her own path before giving him the assumed kiss of death, Godfather Part II style. As this conversation is happening, Officer Buckley (Brandon Jay McLaren) is in position to roll up on Kane and his men.

Does the hit on Kane go successfully? Will Franklin remember him threatening Teddy? What information was Teddy getting from Franklin’s home? What will Ruben do with the information he gathered while at the wedding? Is Leon seriously considering moving out of the country? The episode left us with a bundle of questions leading into the last two episodes of the season (the finale will air on April 20). Speaking of lasts and seasons, FX announced Tuesday (April 5) that Snowfall has been renewed for its sixth and final season. What has been your favorite season so far? How do you feel about next season being the show’s last? Drop your thoughts in the comments.

The Trippiest Wedding Ever: “Snowfall” Season 5 Episode 8 Recap  was originally published on