

A new poll by Higher Heights explores the issues and blind spots perpetuated by the public that Black women routinely face, while also highlighting the issues and topics relevant to Black women voters. 


The news comes after voting rights activists again accused election officials of voter suppression, voicing concerns that lack of accessibility limits access for Black and Latino voters.


Former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack's controversial firing of Shirley Sherrod in 2010 should preclude him from leading the agriculture agency under Joe Biden's administration, civil rights leaders and advocates say.


As the city's youngest mayor in more than a century, Scott, 36, brought style and flair to his swearing in ceremony on Wednesday as he launches a multi-layered effort built on progressive reform,


Nina Turner signaled her intentions to run for Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge's U.S. House seat by filing the requisite paperwork with the Federal Election Commissions for the state's 11th Congressional District.


Michigan state Rep. Cynthia Johnson was removed from her committee assignments on Wednesday over a Facebook Live where she spoke out against racist threats she received online.


The man who could become the first Black person to lead the Department of Defense is at the center of a brewing inter-Party controversy as a growing number of Senate Democrats have signaled their opposition to his nomination.


When Georgia’s Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler isn’t complaining about the outcome of the 2020 election, she’s approving negative ads about her opponent, Rev. Raphael Warnock, the Democratic Party’s candidate for her Senate seat. 


The MORE Act passed in the House on Friday, the first of many steps to reverse and rectify the extensive damage done by prohibition largely affecting Black and brown communities.


Democratic incumbent Chief Justice Cheri Beasley requested the recount after fewer than 500 votes separated her and Republican Paul Newby in the North Carolina state Supreme Court chief justice election.


Organizers are working against the clock to reinstate prior to the December 7 voter registration deadline so that voters can participate in the January 5 runoff elections.


Gabriel Sterling, Georgia's Voting Systems Manager, directly blamed Trump for a noose sent to an election worker as well as other related violent threats after the state certified the election for Joe Biden.