New Music

It seems that neither Drake or Canadian Barbie could pull any strings to get their homegirl Nicki Minaj across the border for a show.

While preparing for a show in Australia interviewed Lil Kim and The Queen Bee revealed that she is “90% sure” that a song with Rihanna is in the works and added that she doesn’t consider herself a feminist:

Nicki Minaj’s June/July Vibe cover has been released and she has this barbie thing down pack!

One of my favorite train wrecks Frankie has been out and about speaking to families and telling her story about how she has stayed clean for almost three years:

The 614

FROM BV ON BEAUTY: Perhaps you may have noticed that hot-pink lips are popping up everywhere these days–and we’re not just talking about Amber Rose or Nicki Minaj. Fashion designers have jumped on to the trend as well; sending models down the runway sporting shades of hot-pink. You can get in on the action too […]

News & Gossip

Looks like Barbie has seen the darkness of her ways and has found the light.  Not only did Barbie get saved, she’s become ordained and has the outfits and accessories to match.  The Rev Barbie has gained more than 3,000 friends on facebook and is focused on showing faithfuls that the church can be fun […]