
A local man is in desperate need for a kidney transplant and is reaching out to the community for help. Brandon Talley, 41, is a father of 3, as well as, a beloved teacher and mentor. He was diagnosed with kidney failure brought on by diabetes about 5 years ago. Talley says his health is […]

The 614

How crazy is this??? The world of medicine can accomplish huge defeats and save lives daily. However, I never knew you can use a baby’s organ and give it to an adult for a transplant? That is what doctors at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Comprehensive Transplant Center just did. This is a […]


#Detroit teacher gives student kidney, new life. http://t.co/mzY9k85Vx4pic.twitter.com/26rGTVZONL — The Detroit News (@detroitnews) May 19, 2015 It’s long been known that teachers can transform and…