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The Sunken Place Summit was in full effect on Friday in Washington, D.C., and sadly it brought about a flock of Black people embracing white supremacy. In fact, the Young Black Leadership Summit was going beyond heir typical tap dancing for the president, with attendees literally chanting racist lines that are normally reserved for a Trump rally.

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One young man, who live-streamed the summit on YouTube, was babbling into the camera with young people chanting, “Build that wall!” in the background. The young man said, “It’s Black excellence at its finest, to the highest degree.” More like anti-Blackness at its highest degree.

See below, around the 7:50 mark.

The same young man also told theGrio that “Our Black-owned businesses are turning into taco stands overnight because of illegal immigrants.” See the sadness:

Trump clearly has convinced these young people to believe his lies. As Vox explained, “A 2016 study conducted by scholars at Penn’s Wharton School of Business found that the increase in the labor supply resulting from immigration could actually generate more employment in industries such as home construction and food production. More people means more consumption, and, specifically, more consumption by the working poor.”

In addition, “Existing data simply doesn’t support any definitive correlation between the stark unemployment rate of African Americans and the employment of recent immigrants. Nevertheless, those striving to push through xenophobic, racist, Islamophobic, and inhumane immigration restrictions find unusual allies among some African Americans seeking to lower the black unemployment rate.”

The truth is, it is gentrification that is hurting Black business, which has nothing to do with immigration.

The Young Black Leadership Summit is the fraudulent brainchild of Candace Owens, who was anti-Trump two years ago.

Pray for these lost souls.


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‘Young Black Conservatives’ Chant ‘Build That Wall’ At Deplorable Sunken Place Summit  was originally published on