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Keith Lee Taraji P. Henson Ronnie Lee

Source: Gilbert Flores / Getty

Social media food critic Keith Lee holds no grudge against Taraji P. Henson following a 2024 BET Awards segment, on June 30, that went wrong. Keith Lee and Taraji P. Henson were supposed to share a light moment at the BET Awards, however, Taraji didn’t recognize his face in the audience and instead delivered her lines to social media comedian Jordan Howlett. When Taraji realized she had accidentally walked past Lee and his wife, she played it off with a flirty joke that has since gone viral.

The renowned foodie influencer addressed the mix-up in a TikTok video posted on July 1, where he expressed understanding of Henson’s mistake as she presented roses to notable audience members like Halle Bailey during the award ceremony. Henson approached TikToker Jordan Howlett, reciting a speech intended for Lee, as she brought over a rose to honor him. Lee conveyed that he held no grudge against the actress for the slip-up, attributing the confusion to the event’s production crew and their apparent lack of organization.

“The entire segment on the production side felt extremely rushed,” Lee said. “Not only did it feel rushed, it did not feel intentional. It did not feel purposeful. I’m forever thankful for every room that I’m in. I was more than thankful and more than grateful to just sit there and enjoy the show.”

Lee suggested that producers should have provided guidance to Henson about his identity and career instead of leaving her to navigate the situation live on television. He called them out for being “extremely unprofessional” and “unprepared.” The social media star also expressed that he would have preferred to see The Color Purple actress receive the recognition she deserved in that moment.

“It was unfair to both of us,” he added.

Keith Lee Taraji P. Henson BET Awards Flub

During the awkward BET Awards moment, Henson playfully flirted with Lee following the mix-up, despite him being seated next to his wife, Ronnie Lee. Netizens called the Golden Globe winner’s move “tacky” and “disrespectful.” Adding a fuel to the fire, a social media screenshot captured Ronnie seemingly flashing a disapproving expression during the flirtation. However, Lee clarified that both he and his wife were aware that Henson’s actions were entirely improvised during the segment.

Reflecting on the now-deleted video where he threw the rose from Henson on the ground, Lee explained that he discarded the rose because he didn’t feel deserving of flowers at that particular moment.

“Everything that’s for me will be for me. Everything that is for my family will be for my family. Everything that’s for you will be for you. When it’s supposed to be, how it’s supposed to be, with no confusion. I said that last night..and I stand on it 1,000%,” Lee added.

What do you think? Was BET in the wrong here?


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Keith Lee Speaks Defends Taraji P. Henson After 2024 BET Awards Flub  was originally published on