
New drug reforms are slated to be presented to the United Nations in April.

justin luvv

Repbulican Presidential Candidate, Reality Show host…….oh and Billionaire Donald Trump spoke in Dayton yesterday, where someone reportedly attempted to rush the stage with a knife. “The Don” was quickly surrounded by Secret Service security. It’s not often Trump is at a loss for words…..


Obama said he wasn't surprised by Trump's ascendance in the presidential race.


The rally, which follows comments Trump made earlier in the day seeming to condone violence at his rallies, descended into chaos when protestors and supporters of the GOP frontrunner clashed on the arena floor.

Entertainment, National

A 78-year-old White man attending a Donald Trump rally in North Carolina was arrested and charged Thursday with assault after punching a Black Lives Matter protester in the face. John McGraw was at the Wednesday night event with several other zealous supporters of the Republican presidential hopeful when he threw the punch, WTVR reports.

Entertainment, National

Donald Trump has not been called an extremist for making the statement and the Jerusalem Post has not been called extremist for publishing the statement. Clearly, it is not a matter of what is being said, but who is saying it.

Entertainment, News One Exclusives

For the past several months, the nation has seen Donald Trump's evolution from boisterous real estate mogul to the Republican Party's presidential front-runner.

Entertainment, National

Colin Powell, appearing on CBS' This Morning, criticized the vulgarity and childishness of the Republican presidential candidates. He hopes the national mourning for Nancy Reagan will usher in a period of civility.


After Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to reluctantly disavow the endorsement of former KKK leader David Duke and then made supporters raise their right hands and pledge to vote for him, Saturday Night Live found perfect fodder to spoof an ad for the front-runner's candidacy.

Warren Ballentine breaks down the results of Super Tuesday and what they mean for the presidential election going forward. He explains what outcomes were surprising, and…


Apparently sitting while black is an issue for Trump… As reported: Donald Trump ordered Secret Service agents to remove a number of black students from his Georgia rally on Monday evening, according to The Des Moines Register. Before Trump spoke in Valdosta, Ga., about 30 black students who were quietly standing on the top of the […]

Bun B has been spending his time out on the Republican campaign trail for Vice Magazine! He explains the unique experiences he has had as a black…