
Bill Cosby’s lawyers are on their job and have decided to file a motion to get him out of the clink. They are requesting that he is put under house arrest amid reports that at least one prison officer has tested positive for coronavirus. Cosby spokesman Andrew Wyatt told Page Six, “We believe it is only a matter […]


I am at high-risk so I'm taking these extra precautions to protect myself.


On Tuesday (Mar 24) after announcing that he had tested positive for COVID-19, Slim Thug took to his Instagram to share the truth about staying safe and how even when you feel like you’re the most protected––you’re still vulnerable. Since receiving the diagnosis from his personal doctor, Slim Thug outlined the importance of getting tested. […]

The 614

The unemployment rate in Ohio is rising fast as many people have been ordered to stay home. Many Ohioans are hurting right now because of the COVID-19. Many have been laid off, let go, or have experience hours cut while the state in on quarantine. The federal and state government have encouraged people to file […]


Following his alleged "hate crime hoax," where the Chicago police claimed he paid two brothers to assault him and put a noose around his neck, Jussie Smollett has been practicing self-isolating before it became the norm. The former Empire actor has decided to return the world while most are trying to hide from it. 

News & Gossip

The judge enforces the rapper to finished his 2-year sentence in prison. Tekashi 6ix9ine tried but failed getting out of prison early using the coronavirus as his reasoning. According to NY Daily News, Manhattan Federal Judge Paul Engelmayer said he was sympathetic that the “GUMMO” rapper has asthma, which can be dangerous if he was […]


For anyone that thought the Coronavirus pandemic would keep sneakerheads from getting their much needed footwear fix, you were sadly mistaken. According to Business Of Fashion, Nike Inc. beat quarterly estimates on Tuesday when it was revealed that though physical sales dropped by 5% in Greater China due to the virus outbreak, digital sales jumped […]

The 614

Plenty of people have started t practice better hygiene since they have learned that the disease COVID-19 is going around and very contagious. It is so contagious that countries and states have been placed on a lockdown to stay away from other people to prevent the illness. I will admit that the scare of this […]


Cardi B is known for speaking her mind, regardless of who’s upset. So when the Bronx bred rapper took to Instagram Live with her conspiracy theory about the Coronavirus and celebrities testing positive––Idris Elba decided to respond to it. After Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson announced they tested positive for COVID-19, it seemed like a […]


Are you practicing social distancing and it’s starting to drive you just a little bit crazy? Here’s some help, two former astronauts have provided you with seven tips on how to self isolate and not lose your mind. According to Huffington Post, former Space Station commander Chris Hadfield got on YouTube and shared some pointers on […]

The 614

Everyone is talking about COVID-19 but have we talked about the longstanding impact the virus will have on the black community? Pastor Yaves Ellis and Pastor Taelor Gray sit down and deal with some hard questions concerning COVID-19 and underserved populations, as well as layout some of the resources that you can utilize right now […]


Philadelphia has officially made its COVID-19 count over 300 and is now at 342. Unfortunately the virus has been getting worse and in some cases have new symptoms like loss of smell and taste. Listen Live Pennsylvania as a whole is currently ranked #12. In the case of the matter Governor Wolf has requested for […]