
The Young Conservatives of Texas chapter at UT-Austin held an affirmative action bake sale that angered students and lead to a protest.


The plaintiff, Abigail Noel Fisher, charged the ruling was unfair and that she was a victim of racial discrimination.


In an op-ed for NewsOne, Benjamin L. Crump, president of the National Bar Association and prominent civil rights attorney, condemns Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia‘s remarks that some African-Americans are hurt by being admitted to top universities and might be better served at “slower-track” ones. The comments, which generated a firestorm of controversy, came last week during […]


During a hearing for an affirmative action case on Wednesday, conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia suggested that some African-Americans belong at "lesser colleges."


We may be praising Indian-American actress Mindy Kaling for breaking barriers as a woman of color in Hollywood, but it’s her older and estranged brother’s…

Casting directors think they know why the focus of fostering diversity is bothering certain people, but they still believe it’s time for Hollywood to get…

In case this is your first time viewing our site, we have a thing for Kerry Washington. It’s not just for her physical appearance. Although…

News & Gossip

“Since March, when I was accused of being racist for a statement I made about the influence of blacks on Obama’s historic campaign, people have been stopping me to express a common sentiment: If you’re white you can’t open your mouth without being accused of being racist. They see Obama’s playing the race card throughout […]


If last week wasn’t big enough with historic rulings on Obamacare and same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court made two more major announcements on Monday. One…