You have to be a special kind of parasite to politicize death, but fortunately for those working in politics, media, and law enforcement such a strain can…

News & Gossip

RZA has added his name to a growing list of rappers who have been vocal about their thoughts regarding the death of Eric Garner. According…


You’ve hit the streets. You’ve carried picket signs. You’ve joined choruses “No Justice, No Peace,” “I Can’t Breathe,” and even “Fight the Power.” You were angered…


An eight-minute-long video was uploaded onto YouTube on Wednesday showing New York City policemen, uniformed and plainclothes, roughing up three African-American minors. Based on that video, Officer John McDevitt has been…


In the aftermath of ongoing nationwide protests against police violence in the Black community, President Barack Obama Thursday signed an executive order to create a…


  With all the ongoing civil unrest within today’s society, it’s good to see those with mass reach speaking out against the various social injustices.…


Washington, D.C. hosted the most high-profile and traditional of Saturday’s protests against racial bias in the legal system.  The march and rally was organized by National Action…


Richmond, Calif., Police Chief Chris Magnus, who gained nationwide attention for holding a sign reading “BlackLivesMatter” at a peaceful protest in his city, came under…


As thousands march in Washington DC, led by Reverend Al Sharpton, to ensure justice for all they’re sharing their experience with us and on social media using #Justice4All.