Young Money’s Gudda Gudda had his “YM” chain snatched during a performance at Club Olmeca in Burnsville, Minnesota. Gudda immediately jumped off stage and ran after the perpetrator, which resulted in a fight.

Lil’ Wayne will be out of Rikers Island in less than a month, and the rapper will certainly celebrate his latest album, I Am Not A Human Being, reaching number one in its first week out.

Our second favorite groupie is back at it! She’s coming out with a “tell-all” book and she says we will be hearing about our favorite rappers and athletes in it. In her latest video she claims that Gudda Gudda pees in the bed, Sean Kingston will give you some grams if you need it, and […]

When will these men learn, sleeping with the industry neighborhood groupie does not benefit you. Karrine Stephens put it in a book and now Kat Stacks just went digital.