First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a moving speech Monday night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, urging unification and speaking out against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump‘s hate speech. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Dressed in an elegant blue dress, she walked onto stage to rousing applause and began by reflecting on the […]


Obama is expected to discuss the importance of the presidential role in relation to America's children--how it inspires ethics and goal setting. Pundits also expect her to intertwine her working class upbringing, emerging as one of the most powerful women in the world, to Clinton's trajectory and her fitness for the presidency.


A Trump staff writer is taking the fall for the Melania Trump plagiarized speech scandal. Her apology was posted on the Trump campaign website.


Obama reveals she rarely enjoys the luxury of listening to music in the passenger seat.

Big Bink's Blog

Bill Cosby has reportedly gone blind! Click here for more details! Did Melania Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama‘s speech from 2008!? Check out the video below! According to California law, Kanye West will not face any prosecution over Taylor Swift video. Click here for details


After Melania Trump's speech, Trump's campaign and his supporters did their due diligence to spread the word that Mrs. Trump's narrative was all her own. We bring you the list of deniers, one by one.


After Melania Trump's speech, Trump's campaign and his supporters did their due diligence to spread the word that Mrs. Trump's narrative was all her own. We bring you the list of deniers, one by one.


If there was any doubt about Jesse Williams‘ trend setting qualities, his latest stream of tweets settles it. After journalist Jarrett Hill discovered that Donald Trump‘s wife Melania plagiarized portions of her keynote speech from Michelle Obama at the opening night of the Republican National Convention on Monday, Twitter went in for the kill, with Jesse Williams brilliantly […]