
Former "Black Men For Bernie" founder is campaigning for Trump. He has no concerns about Trump's flirtation with racism.

News & Gossip

The Miami Dolphins and the Seattle Seahawks staged protests during the National Anthem at a Sunday afternoon game in Miami.


Kwame Jackson, a former contestant on Donald Trump‘s The Apprentice, celebrated the 26th anniversary of Rock the Vote this summer at the DNC in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The celebration featured the “Truth to Power” installation, which explored timely issues such as “the talk” amid ongoing police violence in communities of color. It also tackled issues of gun […]


Nicole Milfie was unapologetic when speaking on women's sexuality and feminism. The cause of her death is still unknown. Twitter users created the hashtag #RIPMilfie to mourn her death. Read more.


Trump's unprecedented public display of divisive language has found a warm spot in the hearts of groups who feel the candidate speaks to their deepest fears and instills a return to the old guard with the campaign rallying cry, 'Make America Great Again.'


With just over 81 days left until Election Day, details of the plans Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have for the nation begin to trickle out. During a trip to the battleground state of Ohio, Clinton unveiled the details of her economic plan, which included the following points: Break Through Washington Gridlock to Make the Boldest Investment […]

Entertainment, Music, The 614

Someone with a lot of artisitic abilities is obviously trying to humiliate Donald Trump and they might have been successful!  Five naked statues of Donald Trump have appeared all over the country including one in Cleveland outside the Big Fun toy store. The artist known as “Ginger” posted a video to youtube showing how the […]


Donald Trump announces a new campaign leadership team. This comes as his poll numbers plummet.


New polls suggest a strong lead in the key states for Hillary Clinton. A new Quinnipiac University poll shows that Clinton surges ahead of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump in Colorado, Iowa, and Virginia.


"It's time for our society to address some honest and very, very difficult truths," Donald Trump said Tuesday in West Bend, Wisconsin.

Big Bink's Blog

Shoutout to the U.S. Olympic team who now has 27 total medals, 10 of those are gold! Swimmer Michael Phelps became the most decorated Olympian in history after earning his 25th medal, 20 of those are gold!! Tyga has a warrant out for his arrest after missing court today. Donald Trump hints at a possible […]