The 614

I haven’t had a 1st in a minute, but at my daughter’s basketball game I almost got kicked out of the game for being “One of Those Parents” LOL. Right now in life, there are two professions that believe they have the power to do anything they want to anyone that questions their so-called authority […]


This is one of the reason this generation is called the smartest stupid people ever lol what’s make this so crazy is that if you said “I’m not using deodorant to limit the aluminum in my body,”, that understandable but that means you would probably find a alternate without aluminum right!? But no majority of […]


Flags are being flown at half staff after shooting in Virginia Beach. Governor Dewine ordered it so that we can honor those who lost their lives. The Shooter killed 12 people. 11 of them were city employees and one was a contractor. The flags will be flown at half staffed for honoring these people until […]